Important Upcoming Events-- Please check the Postings Below!!

  • Staff Appreciation Luncheon May 25th, 1pm
  • Volunteer Tea Tuesday, May 18th, 2:30pm
  • Movie Night Friday, May 21st, 6pm
  • Parent Alliance Meeting, May 18th, Elections for 2010-2011

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Parent Alliance Board Job Descriptions

Many Parent Alliance Board positions will open for elections this May. Here's a brief description of the duties of each Board position.

a. President presides at all meetings of the Parent Allianc and Executive Board and is a member ex-officio of all committees. She/He coordinates the appointment of the Chairperson of each Standing Committee as well as filling of all Executive Board vacancies.
b. Vice President acts as an aide to the President and assumes the President's duties in his/her absence. The Vice President may advance to the Presidency in the second year of his/her 2 year-term. The Vice President receives and reviews all bank statements and forwards them to the Treasurer for reconciliation. The VP is responsible for making all banners needed by the Parent Alliance.
c. The Recording Secretary keeps an accurate record of proceedings of the Executive Board and the General Meetings, aas well as preparing a summary for the President of all unfinished business.
d. The Corresponding Secretary conducts all necessary correspondence of the organization and is responsible for sending out notices of the organization’s meetings and special events sponsored by the organization.
e. The Treasurer receives all moneys for the organization and makes bank deposits and keeps an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements. She/He presents a current statement of account at every regular meeting, and any time that this statement may be requested by the Executive Board.
f. The Classroom Volunteer Coordinator appoints and organizes volunteers for each classroom, including room parents, auction donation coordinators, yearbook page coordinators and photographers, and Parent Alliance Liaisons (PALS).
g. The Volunteer Coordinator distributes volunteer forms and collects volunteer information for all Standing Committees.
h. Hospitality Coordinator provides refreshments for the General Meetings and for childcare during meetings and will arrange for childcare for these meetings.
i. The Rio Minders Editor compiles information for and produces camera ready art for Rio Minders, the school newsletter, to be distributed online, monthly, during the school year and following the Parent Alliance

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